With Verdi's 'La Traviata' and Huang Ruo's 'Book of Mountains and Seas' as well as other projects, L.A. Opera is attempting to cover all operatic bases. Can opera thrive here?
Cambridge Opera Journal, Vol. 27, Issue ... ‘FARÒ IL POSSIBILE PER VINCER L'ANIMO DI M.R HANDEL’: SENESINO'S ARRIVAL IN LONDON ANDARSACE'SRHETORIC OF PASSIONS. Eighteenth Century Music, Vol. 14, Issue ...
It's fair to say that George Lucas knows how to tell a story a lot better than the rest of us, which is why Lucas made the ...
Found footage documentary of an amateur radio club member in search of a legendary numbers station that is rumored to operate from an old German cruise ship.
It's amazing how easy Jurrangelo Cijntje makes something look that, for the rest of us, is pretty much impossible. "I throw 99 from the right side. And from the left side, I top out at 95," he said.