War Mapper said that Russian forces had taken "most of the settlement," advanced in Semenivka and Berdychi, and captured ...
British and American defence pledges for Ukraine should inspire other countries to follow suit, Kaja Kallas, the prime ...
The Pentagon has announced two aid packages in the days since President Biden signed his national security supplemental into ...
U.S. officials said the aid package will be funded through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, which pays for ...
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced on Friday a $6 billion long-term military aid package for Ukraine — the largest to ...
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced a new $6 billion aid package for Ukraine after meeting with defense officials ...
Washington will provide Ukraine additional Patriot missiles for its air defence systems as part of a massive €5.6 billion ...
The Patriots are the most capable and expensive air defence systems that Ukraine has. Each Patriot battery costs around $1bn ...
The U.S. will provide Ukraine additional Patriot missiles for its air defense systems as part of a massive $6 billion ...
The Pentagon plans to provide additional Patriot missiles to Ukraine to boost their defense capabilities against Russia, as ...
A new package of $61 billion in U.S. aid may prevent Ukraine from losing its war against Russia. But winning it will be a ...