"More of the symptoms that started in late March, and now are becoming more into sinus infections, ear infections, throat ...
Seasonal allergies are on the rise, but you don't need to suffer through them. With medications and lifestyle modifications, ...
Sometimes bad breath can actually come from your throat instead of your mouth. Here are the common culprits and how to nip ...
There are several over-the-counter allergy medications that can safely and effectively treat symptoms for most people with mild or moderate allergies. — Oral antihistamines: While diphenhydramine ...
From uncontrollable sneezing to nasal congestion, to eyes that itch so badly it’s enough to drive you mad. Welcome to pollen ...
For some, changing seasons can impact migraine. Learn how springtime specifically plays a role in migraine symptoms, and what ...
Parents often find themselves grappling with the health challenges their children face, particularly those related to the ...
and occasionally plugged ears from the sinus pressure, according to a local health care provider. While each person has a ...