A new 'Deadpool & Wolverine' figure from Iron Studios showing Dogpool alongside the two titular characters is now available ...
Deadpool and Wolverine will be here soon, and now fans are theorizing about why Michael B. Jordan shared the trailer.
Why ruin a good thing? That was the question facing Hugh Jackman when asked to be a part of the third Deadpool movie after ...
Deadpool and Wolverine” is poised to be one of the biggest movies of the year thanks to the pairing of Ryan Reynolds and Hugh ...
Stock footage cameos were used a lot in Deadpool 2, and there is a chance Deadpool & Wolverine could do the same thing.
In the interview, Feige expressed his concerns, "I said, 'Let me give you a piece of advice, Hugh. Don't come back. You had ...
The Deadpool star and the Marvel Cinematic Universe boss worked together to create the best Deadpool & Wolverine possible.
A new CCXP Mexico poster for Deadpool and Wolverine has been released, and it looks like the Merc With the Mouth is really leaning into the whole Marvel Jesus ...
Some new Deadpool & Wolverine promo posters put the spotlight on the Merc with the Mouth and Logan, while Josh Brolin has now changed tack and appears to be hinting at Cable's return in the ...
Wolverine was the lynchpin of the original X-Men trilogy and headlined several spin-off movies concluding with Logan. However ...
According to Ryan Reynolds, Deadpool 3 was originally a " Rashomon story about Wolverine and Deadpool and something that they ...