The Newark, Calif., electric vehicle tech company is scheduled to close its headquarters and lay off 113 employees in June if ...
Electric vehicle owners have been warned that they are losing millions of pounds every month by not charging from home.
The Franklin Mayor’s Youth Leadership Council cut the ribbon Thursday for its latest project: an electric vehicle charger. The charger is located in the parking lot of the Amphitheater ...
A train that travels from rural northern Morocco to a port on the Mediterranean Sea carries no passengers. Three times a day, ...
Electric vehicles (EVs) may be the most subsidized product in America. Federal taxpayers shell out $7,500 every time a new eligible electric vehicle is purchased (usually by wealthy buyers).
Spiro, African electric vehicle company in Africa has announced it has signed heads of terms for a significant $50 million ...
What’s been touted as NH's largest workplace electric vehicle charging lot to date opened recently to an outdoor audience of ...
The deal aims to make it easier for residents to own electric cars and reduce local greenhouse gas emissions, and help the ...
Republican leadership in the Arizona state legislature and the Arizona Trucking Association are suing the United States ...