NASA is preparing to launch its latest climate science mission, the Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-Infrared Experiment ...
NASA has picked four Earth science mission proposals for further study while separately selecting a smaller Earth science ...
Lyatt Jaeglé, professor of atmospheric sciences at the UW, is the principal investigator of STRIVE. If selected as a finalist ...
As part of NASA's efforts to expand commercial resupply in low Earth orbit, Sierra Space's uncrewed spaceplane arrived at ...
You may not know this, but Earth's magnetic field has a tail. As the sun 's solar wind buffets the planet, it leaves behind a ...
In 2018, a weather satellite captured a massive thunderstorm cloud in the shape of a jellyfish. The bizarre cloud was the ...
New data analysis indicates that NASA and its partners could have more cost-effective methods for dealing with the growing ...
Located more than five times father away from the Sun than Earth, Europa seems an unlikely place to look for life. Surface temperatures on the ice-shrouded moon ofJupiter average -260F, and radiation ...
Solar storms that impact earth usually create beautiful light shows, but they can also wreak havoc on global technology. Here ...
NASA's PREFIRE mission will launch tiny twin CubeSats to study heat radiation from Earth's polar regions, improving our ...
In a paper published on May 15, NASA announced that a new earth-like planet named SPECULOOS-3b has been discovered. Details ...
Explore "Space Trash Signs," a project crafting constellations from space debris to raise awareness of the urgent space junk ...