An orangutan named Rakus has a pretty solid grasp of first-aid. He's the first orangutan ever observed to intentionally ...
Think of corn and sunflowers as summer's favorite brother and sister plants. These two tall plants will grow side-by-side, ...
Ukrainian energy workers are struggling to repair the damage from intensifying airstrikes aimed at pulverizing Ukraine's ...
If you do decide to use native plants in your garden, we have great resources in our region. Chief among them is the ...
Recent findings that plants employ a drought-survival mechanism to also defend against nutrient-sucking pests could inform future crop breeding programs aimed at achieving better broadscale pest ...
Choosing native plants for the garden protects the planet, helps wildlife, and lessens outdoor chores without sacrificing curb appeal.
Not too many high schools have a full-use greenhouse at their disposal. Manheim Central is one of a few and students have ...
We now know just how the earliest land plants, ancient algae, conquered terrestrial Earth hundreds of millions of years ago ...
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday released a sweeping set of rules aimed at cutting air, water and land ...
Invasive species displace native plants that native pollinators rely on, which results in the loss of pollinators.
Land plants cover the surface of our planet and often tower over us. They form complex bodies with multiple organs that consist of a broad range of cell types. Developing this morphological complexity ...
Choosing plants for a garden can be daunting. Northeast Ohio horticulturalists explain why you might want to go native.