Rodger et al argue for the disenhancement of animals intended for xenotransplantation; that is, the transference of tissues ...
Parenting our biological children is a centrally important matter, but how, if it all, can it be justified? According to a contemporary influential line of thinking, the acquisition by parents of a ...
In a recent article, Albertsen both elaborates the best option argument for regulated markets and levels a justice-based objection to kidney sales. In the present article, I show that Albertsen has ...
We respond to David Wilkinson’s arguments against our view of the ethicality of doctors’ strikes and our claim that the 2023–2024 UK doctors’ strikes are morally permissible and arguably ...
Asperger syndrome (AS) is an autistic spectrum condition that shares the range of social impairments associated with classic autism widely regarded as disabling, while also often giving rise to high ...
‘This has given me the peace of mind I needed’: ethnographic insights into Barrett’s oesophagus screening using the capsule sponge test ...
What kind of patients may be recruited to early clinical trials of xenotransplantation? This is discussed under the assumption that the risk of viral infection to the public is non-negligible.
3 Department of Psychiatry, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Buffalo, NY, USA 4 Department of Psychiatry, University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, Colorado, USA Correspondence to ...
Recent developments in biology have made it possible to acquire more and more precise information concerning our genetic makeup. Although the most far-reaching effects of these developments will ...
Background To assess ethical concerns associated with participation in a financial incentive (FI) programme to help adolescents with type 1 diabetes improve diabetes self-management. Methods Focus ...