The Navy is standing up a new maritime industrial base program office and has tapped one of its career civil servants to take ...
Vice Adm. Mike Vernazza relieved Vice Adm. Kelly Aeschbach as the commander of Naval Information Forces on Friday, the Navy ...
Program: Background and Issues for Congress on July 23, 2024.  From the report Overview As discussed above, the LSM program ...
Aircraft carriers USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) and USS George Washington (CVN-73) have started the hull swap that will formally ...
Aircraft carriers USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) and USS George Washington (CVN-73) have started the hull swap that will formally ...
The Navy and the Department of Defense have settled a lawsuit over the former COVID-19 vaccine mandate with 36 members of the ...
The following is the Navy Medium Landing Ship (LSM) (Previously Light Amphibious Warship [LAW]) Program: Background and ...
The following is the July 23, 2023, Congressional Research In Focus report, Navy Next-Generation Attack Submarine (SSN[X]) ...
President Joe Biden nominated the deputy of U.S. Southern Command to lead the combatant command, the Pentagon announced ...
Russia and China conducted a joint bomber flight that entered Alaska’s Air Defense Identification Zone on Wednesday, marking ...
The High North remains the “shortest and least defended threat sector” to the U.S., the deputy commander of U.S. Northern ...
The following is the July 23, 2024, Congressional Research Service In Focus report, Navy TAGOS-25 Ocean Surveillance ...