Referring to Harris’ promise to ban fracking, he continued, “You’re going to be paying a lot of money. You’re going to be ...
Environmental groups want to intervene in two states' challenge of the Bureau of Land Management's conservation-focused rule.
The group Climate Defiance is urging the vice president to curb fossil fuel production and boost federal efforts to brace for ...
The input was sought as the Treasury Department finalizes details of the tax credit, in Section 45Z of the Internal Revenue ...
Senior career aides are readying for a change at the White House while Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are behind on planning.
A case challenging EPA’s approach to writing and enforcing water pollution permits will be among the first the Supreme Court ...
The Interior Department on Friday canceled a proposed offshore wind auction in the Gulf of Mexico due to lukewarm interest ...
In back-to-back oral arguments before the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Seafreeze Shoreside and the Responsible Offshore ...
A memo is meant to help Democrats overcome problems selling their climate accomplishments. A group of lawmakers are urging ...
Sens. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), chair and ranking member, respectively, of the Interior and the ...
Maggie O’Connell, director of security, reliability and resilience at the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, said ...
President Joe Biden may no longer be on the 2024 ballot — but his legacy is. And former President Donald Trump would have ...