Tourists in Sweden are increasingly seeking to stock up on supplies of hyped Swedish candy, with one Stockholm sweetshop ...
Flight delays are, unfortunately, becoming increasingly common for Swedish travellers. Here are the statistics on how much it ...
The Swedish krona fell five percent against the euro and four percent against the dollar in June, a fall which might ...
If you've been waiting six months or more for a ruling from a Swedish agency you can according to law submit a "request to ...
A fantastic festival and event lineup, the weak krona making trips more affordable, new ways to get to Sweden, and an escape ...
Sweden's government takes action to stop criminals abusing welfare payments, British teen footballer dies in Gothenburg, hospital situation in big cities 'manageable', and other news from Sweden on ...
Sweden's government has ignored a request from the Migration Agency to be exempted from a rule allowing people who have ...
As vacationing in cooler climates becomes more popular, the Nordic countries are expected to see a rise in summer tourism.
Södertälje police chief says stop-and-search zone won't stop violence, record profits for Spotify, British footballer in coma ...
Karin Egnell, a volunteer, working near the Fladie vineyard near the city of Lund in Skane County back in 2019. Photo: ...
Boy and girl seized for Södertälje shooting, amphetamine prices in Sweden at record lows, police called in for controversial ...
People who scrap old petrol or diesel cars and switch to an electric can get a 10,000 kronor subsidy from August 20th. Photo: ...