The center of Paris was blocked for the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Because of this, restaurants and cafes in Paris ...
Belarusian trade meets its centennial anniversary with positive indicators. The industry is developing steadily and occupies ...
The supply of machinery and equipment, products of light industry and food industry, cooperation in the media sphere. The ...
The recruitment voyage to Germany of nationalists from the Ukrainian battalion “Azov” ended with a scandal. It was assumed ...
Today, the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games will officially open in Paris. As neutral athletes, 17 representatives of Belarus will take part in them, who will compete for awards in ten sports, writes BelTA ...
On behalf of the Belarusian people and on his own behalf, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has congratulated ...
The working visit of the President of Belarus to Russia continues. And today Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin ...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is aware of the case of German citizen Rico Krieger, sentenced to death for terrorism in ...
In Belarus, 15 thousand hectares of forest was damaged by bad weather. This was reported by Forestry Minister Alexander Kulik ...
More than Br4 million has been paid out to citizens who suffered from the elements on July 13-14, BelTA writes with reference ...
Military aid to Ukraine does not stop. Poland handed over 45th package of military aid. Its composition is not disclosed, it is only known that it includes a significant amount of ammunition.
Minsk Tractor Plant is considering the possibility of creating an assembly plant in Vietnam. The press service of the enterprise reported about the meeting of General Director Vitaly Vovk with the ...