Silver production for coins in medieval Europe shifted to France in the eighth century, but it started with metal from the ...
Rechargeable versions of these low-cost power sources can be made today, but commercialization remains far down the road ...
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“Ball lightning is often seen by observers right after a lightning strike,” Uman says, so some scientists theorize that the ...
And for the companies expanding oil and gas exploration, “CCS is a centerpiece of greenwashing campaigns,” Mulvey says.
New drugs for Alzheimer’s disease have opened up a secondary market: diagnostics. Up to this point, doctors have relied on ...
Researchers have previously used this strategy to release fluorescent molecules to signal damage in a material. In solution, ...
Soon after the 2024 Major League Baseball (MLB) season started in March, sweat stains began to bloom along with spring ...
Nvelop Therapeutics has launched to improve gene therapy delivery. The company was first founded in 2022 with $100 million in ...
Researchers hope to use AI to build new protein-based materials and drugs without making it too easy to do harm ...
A compound known as UH15-38 prevents mortality in mice infected with fatal doses of influenza A virus, even when it’s given ...
Thermoset polymers have cross-linked networks that make them exceptionally tough and useful materials. But they are also ...