Haiti has descended into chaos. It’s had no president or parliament — and no elections either –for eight long years. Its ...
In an interview for the New York Times in 1987, Saul Bellow, the 1976 Nobel Prize winner for literature, asked: ...
Set out below are some key, Mainstream-ignored realities of the century-long Palestinian Genocide and the horrific and ...
“Lying in the name of the Constitution has become a fashion for all the constituents of the INDI alliance whenever elections come. The Congress, which made Babasaheb lose the election, did not ...
Dr. BR Ambedkar must have turned in grave with CAA. The Constitution of India gave rights of citizenship to persons who have ...
The Lavender AI system is a new weapon, developed by Israel. But the kind of kill lists that it generates have a long pedigree in U.S. wars, occupations and CIA regime change operations.
With recent far-right election successes in Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, etc., dark clouds are forming over parliamentarian democracy. Even more problematic, these numbers support a global ...
To Ambedkar, this setting, as the springboard to the prince renouncing all his princeply trappings and going out of the householder’s life to seek answers, was “absurd on the face of it.” ...