Artificial intelligence remains in the regulatory hot-seat, with governments racing to develop new and refined regulations ...
Nadah Feteih discusses tech ethics and activism from within the tech industry, particularly from trust and safety team members.
Ethan Zuckerman explains why he is seeking, with the Knight First Amendment Institute, a court ruling protecting the use of middleware apps that give users more agency over what they see on Facebook.
Anupam Chander comments on the sell-or-ban TikTok bill, newly signed by President Biden."It's going to be a royal mess."Read more in The New York Times.
Kendra Albert testified in front of the Copyright Office over the DMCA and a potential exemption that would apply to video games.
Micaela Mantegna argues that copyright law is ill-equipped to deal with generative AI. " [T]he potential harm that copyright expansion could inflict on the entire Internet and cultural landscape could ...
Molly White corrects the narrative that crypto's wild days are over, arguing that the state of crypto is still shaky. "Market manipulation is rampant on the hundreds of exchanges where crypto trades ...
Anupam Chander reacts to the new law that could ban TikTok, underlining the need for greater accountability in the US government's tech regulation.
With co-authors, Maitreya Shah discusses "automation" for Data & Society's Keywords of the Datafied State essay collection.
Chris Bavitz delivers a "Last Lecture" to the HLS class of 2024, focusing on the promises and perils of generative AI.
The Cyberlaw Clinic testified before the Copyright Office on exemptions to §1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which prohibits the circumvention of certain technical measures that protect ...