Russia’s actions in Ukraine since 2014, including their full-scale invasion in 2022, have starkly illustrated the importance of critical infrastructure (CI) and the implications of its vulnerability.
In their content, consecutive Master’s degree programmes represent a continu­ation of the respective Bachelor’s degree pro­gramme. For every Bachelor’s pro­gramme we offer at least one consecutive ...
Scientific misconduct occurs when in a scientifically relevant context, the work results and findings of a third party are intentionally or negligently passed off as one’s own, false statements are ...
Successfully practiced scientific integrity is referred to as good scientific practice. ETH Zurich's integrity guidelines help to actively implement good scientific practice in everyday research.
Rus­si­sche An­grif­fe auf kri­ti­sche In­fra­struk­tu­ren in der Ukrai­ne und an­de­re Kri­sen in den letz­ten Jah­ren ...
Im fünftägigen Blockkurs «Medizintechnik 2» der ETH-Professoren Roger Gassert und Olivier Lambercy entwickeln Studierende in kleinen Teams von Grund auf einen Greifer für ein Ellbogen-Exoskelett. Sie ...