Shares in budget airline EasyJet fell 6% on Thursday morning after it announced that its CEO will be stepping down.
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Putin ist zu einem Gipfeltreffen in China angereist. Gesprochen wurde auch über den Krieg in der Ukraine. Trotz seines Einflusses bleibt Peking in dieser Frage "neutral".
Если бы мы стали евродепутатами, то взялись бы за строительство чистых АЭС и ГЭС, а также обложили налогом керосин, сказали Euronews в преддверии выборов две француженки ...
Four years after the outbreak, the world is finally recovering from COVID-19. The global community has learned many lessons to prepare for the next pandemic, yet others seem to remain unheeded. One of ...
Az eset a gázavárosi Dzsabalija menekülttábornál történt. Izrael már több száz katonát veszített el saját tűzben a gázai ...
Ukraine said on Thursday its forces are fighting an intensifying Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region. Moscow's troops were reportedly attacking Ukrainian positions in the northern districts of ...
Fransa deniz aşırı toprağı Yeni Kaledonya'da dört kişinin öldüğü ve yüzlerce kişinin yaralandığı şiddet olayları sonrası olağanüstü hal ilan etti. Paris, Yeni Kaledonya'nın limanlarına ve uluslararası ...
Vladimir Putin kicked off the beginning of his fifth term at the helm of the Russian Federation with a renewed Russian offensive in northern Ukraine and a reshuffle of his inner circle, including the ...
Video. Jabalia, una de las localidades más afectadas por el conflicto armado que tiene lugar en la Franja de Gaza, se ha ...
Au Monténégro, des manifestants se sont rassemblés à Podgorica, devant la Cour d'appel, pour exiger des sanctions plus sévères contre les violeurs. #EuropeNews ...