As agencies aim to improve in-person collaboration, Federal News Network’s survey of 6,300 feds finds many don’t think return ...
Or that government functionaries should act like entrepreneurs. The Federal Drive with Tom Temin‘s guest wonders what that ...
That new White House guidance on agency use of artificial intelligence embodies guardrails, but also a few opt-out scenarios.
Matthew Isnor, who leads cyber workforce development in DoD’s CIO’s office, said a new policy expands the number of job categories in the cyber workforce.
DHS also named a director for its AI Corps, a new initiative aimed at recruiting 50 AI experts to lead high-priority projects across the department.
DCSA is also updating the technology systems behind the background investigations process. The National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) will modernize several older IT systems into a single, ...
ACF, HUD and other agencies collaborate to help make access to services less daunting to people at their most vulnerable and trying to recover from a disaster.
Agencies know that the public now expects personalized CX from government services, the HCLSoftware product manager says.
The CX director for Navy’s PEO MLB shares how her team engages employees, sailors and Marines to get feedback.
As an acute threat, the pandemic departed a couple of years ago. The Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC) has another 18 months to do the same.
NTSB’s Michael Anthony and AmeriCorps’ Andrea Gibbons and Linda Southcott detail their TMF-funded efforts to improve digital services.
WHS’ customer experience strategist shares details about how the organization intends to improve experiences and services delivery for its customers.