Rappers aren't the only ones who get into venomous disputes. Art-world honchos have also chalked up some legendary beefs.
Maybe you recognize this pretty boy from the memes, but he's actually a famous French painter. Learn more in our Art Behind ...
The mythical city of Atlantis is the subject of countless scientific books, excavations and conspiracy theories.
Several major exhibitions in France and abroad are celebrating the movement as Impressonism turns 150 this year.
James Whistler took John Ruskin to court after the critic wrote a scathing review of his painting and ended up winning.
The Black Lodge, a place of mysterious evil whose inhabitants only express themselves through song, dance, and poetry, takes ...
Artists have painted self-portraits since at least as long ago as 1433, when Jan van Eyck painted a man with a severe gaze in ...
Marc Chagall was a pivotal member of the 20th-century avant-garde, and new exhibition highlights his creative achievements.
The curator Andrew Bolton explores nature and the cycle of life in the profound new show, "Sleeping Beauties," at the Met.
Kenny Schachter dishes on a $200 million Jean-Michel Basquiat sale, the best work at auction next week, and a lot more.
Another big auction season is upon us in New York, although this one feels slimmer than usual, without major collections, ...
Swiss archeologists were conducting a swift survey on a redevelopment site in Gebenstorf when they uncovered substantial ...