美國總統拜登將在11月總統大選面臨一場硬仗,但至少有一天,原力(The Force)與他同在。飾演電影《星際大戰》(Star Wars)路克天行者一角的演員馬克漢米爾(Mark Hamill)3日前往白宮會見後,意外現身白宮簡報室,接受媒體提問。
Interstate-80 in the San Francisco Bay Area was closed in both directions due to a standoff between police and a potentially armed suspect ...
KINGSTON — Luzerne County Transportation Authority Executive Director Bob Fiume on Friday said LCTA would not exist without its riders. "We wanted to do something to show them our appreciation," Fieme ...
Mobile restaurant owners stationed at 18th Street and Central Avenue have packed local government meetings recently.
Mr. Guevara essentially went from a victim of a crime to an offender the minute he took the law into his own hands.” ...
A Middletown man is facing charges after a puppy was found tied up in a bag and abandoned at a park in Hamilton. Harold Dean Lilly was arrested and booked into the Butler County Jail awaiting ...
A grand jury indicted a man and woman in connection to a Dayton traffic stop where a police officer was hit by a truck attempting to fleeing, prompting a chase that reach 100 mph and ended in Indiana.
A Dayton man is facing charges after his father's body parts were found at two different sites in Trotwood and Dayton, and after a crime scene investigation at the dead man's home in Kettering, ...
A Dayton police sergeant who was accused of misconduct by multiple women in a private Facebook group chat called "Are We Dating the Same Guy?" has pleaded guilty to three misdemeanor criminal charges, ...
The longtime Trump aide provided some ammunition to both the prosecution and the defense in the hush money trial.
U.S. Sen. John Hoeven was in Friday to announce a $5.1 million award to the Energy and Environmental Research Center for continued carbon capture monitor and the expansion of opportunity for veterans ...