System-level test offers speed and lower cost, but there are limits to what it can do. Heterogeneous integration and ...
At its core, the BMS monitors and manages EV battery performance, focusing on safety, reliability, and range optimization. It ...
Moving forward, the industry will be focusing on developing more energy-efficient and powerful computing solutions. The aim ...
Scientists from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California Berkeley developed microcapacitors with ...
Synopsys SW security sale; U.S. yanks Intel, Qualcomm export licenses; U.S to boost IC manufacturing capacity by 3X; Indian ...
Challenges are massive and multi-faceted, but the auto industry recognizes the whole ecosystem needs to shift direction to ...
Volatile memory threat increases as chips are disaggregated into chiplets, making it easier to isolate memory and slow data ...
Certification that root-of-trust IP is protected from physical attacks.
The automotive industry stands at the brink of a profound transformation fueled by the relentless march of technological ...
A technical paper titled “Explaining EDA synthesis errors with LLMs” was published by researchers at University of New South ...
AI will be increasingly needed to make sense of huge amounts of data, allowing teams to work more effectively.