In the long calculus, however, it was the taxation that drove up the cost of living and killed the American Dream, creating a ...
Back in 2007, Robert Putnam discovered what we all knew: diversity destroys any sense of the commons or shared culture, and ...
And there you have it: DEADS arises naturally from human individualism, which in groups leads to caring more about fears than hopes. In the end, it kills a society dead, and somehow no one is ever to ...
Ethno-nationalists — despite appearances from the media that wants to tar us as fascists — tend to reject the idea of strong ...
But organized crime, like government, is a business too. The money, muscle and influence of organized crime helped John F.
As Hitler passes into history, we need new pro-European heroes, which means those who favor the idea of monoethnicism but ...
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Everyday life has become completely alienated. People hide in their homes because there is no culture and other people represent risk and not much else. Casual sex has alienated people so much that ...
Society suffers from a lack of people willing to look over the big picture and preserve what we have learned so far. People focus on distractions, the new, and the personal and ignore history and ...