As voters in the southern Indian state go to the polls, the local Church is struggling to carry out its outreach programmes. The issue dates back to 2022, following protests over port construction by ...
A group of NGOs released a report noting that Indonesia's state-owned power company might use development funds to expand the ...
两年一度的首都车展昨天开幕,一直持续到五月,凸显了中国在电动车市场的主导地位。 在欧洲,欧盟当局希望阻止这种情况,但中国汽车已准备好占领欧洲市场。 随着竞争越来越激烈,大多数制造商都在价格战中失败。
The capital’s biennial car show opened yesterday until May, underscoring China’s dominant role in the EV market. In Europe, ...
Un gruppo di enti no-profit ha pubblicato un rapporto secondo cui la compagnia elettrica statale dell'Indonesia potrebbe ...
In its latest annual report, Amnesty International calls for full abolition of the death penalty. With the 2018 moratorium ...
In occasione dell'inizio delle votazioni nello Stato meridionale, la Chiesa locale ha affermato di trovarsi in difficoltà ...
Nella capitale inaugurata ieri la rassegna automobilistica aperta sino ai primi di maggio. Un evento che certifica ...
德黑兰(亚洲新闻) - 国际社会关注的焦点是德黑兰对以色列发动的无人机和飞弹袭击,这引发了人们对中东冲突升级为伊斯兰共和国和犹太国家之间公开战争的担忧。
La ong nell'ultimo rapporto annuale chiede maggiori sforzi per la cancellazione della pena capitale. La Malaysia ha compiuto ...
Coinciding with the 13 April attack, the police chief launched a 'campaign' against 'violations of the hijab law'. From ...
The former East Pakistan is watching the election process closely. Especially with regard to the presence of migrants, of Muslim faith, in India. For now, Dhaka is trying to maintain a certain balance ...