Once again the Italian teamIad achieved great success, the third world championship won under the guidance of president Attilio Polifrone. World Champions with extraordinary performances by the 4 ...
Today, a new tool is born that is useful for the correct implementation of the wild meat supply chain: it is the "Project Operational Manual "Wild and Good", the result of the collaboration between ...
In the last few hours, the National President Christian Maffei commented on the news of the approval of the Agriculture Law Decree. Here are his words: "We can only express satisfaction with the ...
organisers' activities precision and long distance with a tripod, the recommended product è ENDEAVOR RL. Starting from the fact that stability is essential for good precision in aiming and shooting, ...
Renewed trust in the President and the outgoing Presidency Council - the latter confirmed in the expressions of the territorial representatives, slightly updated in the designated representatives - ...
In Portugal the European Propeller Championship, organized by FITASC, International Federation of Shooting and Hunting Weapons Sports, in Pevidem. The performance of the Italian team led by Technical ...
The ESC European Championship and the ISSF Fossa Olimpica and Skeet World Cup which will be hosted by the Trap Concaverde of Lonato del Garda (BS) in the months of May and June. The welcome was given ...
The excessive presence of predators is often cited as the main cause of the decline of species small game. There is no doubt that some generalist predators (foxes and corvids in particular) have ...
Il primo effetto del nuovo Parco provinciale dei 5 Laghi di Ivrea sarà la cessazione, a partire dal 1 giugno, delle attività ...
I cacciatori iscritti alla sezione “Riccardo Marchio” della Federazione Italiana della Caccia, da sempre impegnati nella ...
È andata in onda nei giorni scorsi sul canale tv regionale TV33 ospitata nel contenitore Agenda 33 una interessante ...
Il testo prevede, tra l'altro, un aggiornamento delle azioni strategiche per l’elaborazione dei Piani di eradicazione.