More than 80 years in time separated the experiences of two women who shared a stage May 6 at Beth Jacob Synagogue in ...
President Joe Biden approved a disaster declaration for 11 Ohio counties after deadly tornadoes ripped through the state in ...
What’s very concerning about these hearings is that we’re getting lip service but a lack of enforcement, a lack of accountability,” said Rep. Elise Stefanik.
A former congressman known for his “non-interventionist” foreign policy, which led him to blame Jews for the Iraq war and accuse a pro-Israel “cabal” of targeting him, has lost the Indiana Republican ...
House and Senate Republicans slammed U.S. President Joe Biden’s decision to pause an arms shipment to Israel and demanded that the administration explain why it failed to notify Congress. Sens. Joni ...
As I wrote in a prior column, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza can be blamed first and foremost on Hamas, but secondarily on the Biden administration. If Biden had insisted anytime from Oct. 8 to today ...
Some years ago, I heard Rabbi Manis Friedman tell a story about a man who overheard his friend telling his wife on the phone, “Drop dead!” “How can you speak that way to your wife?!” he demanded. The ...
An airstrike in Gaza City by the Israeli Air Force killed a commander in Hamas’s terrorist naval force, the Israel Defense Forces announced Wednesday. Ahmed Ali was responsible for “attacks on Israeli ...
Laurie Cardoza Moore, president of the evangelical Christian Zionist group Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN), called on the House Education and Workforce Committee to push for all state ...
Half a dozen Middle East experts indicated it was news to them when JNS drew their attention to a recent phrase that the U.S. Defense Department has published on its website referring to the Gaza ...
Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) put forward a resolution condemning the rise in antisemitic acts and speech at colleges across the United States, calling for passage of the resolution by Unanimous Consent on ...
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