Climate change is significantly impacting plant pollinator activity. This could have serious implications for global food ...
The results may explain why dozens of low-density exoplanets are puffy, helping to solve a long-standing mystery in science.
Climate change has gained a powerful new ally in the form of an innovative GPS-based method designed to measure daily ice ...
According to recent survey, spending time outdoors improves mental health for 57% of people, reducing stress, anxiety, and boosting mood.
Researchers argue AI and social media distract from climate issues, foster hopelessness, and reduce creative problem-solving.
Mars, a planet often associated with a lifeless, dusty expanse, holds a puzzling amount of organic matter on its surface.
Social media platforms can be potent tools for influencing behaviors, particularly among the youth. Recent research ...
“The more we flew around, we started noticing more and more orange rivers and streams,” said lead author Jon O’Donnell, an ...
Scientists have used cutting-edge computer simulations to unravel the mysteries of Earth's earliest animal ecosystems.
MIT students discovered three ancient stars in the Milky Way's halo, revealing insights into our galaxy's formation and ...
Biological laws are like the fundamental truths of the living world. They describe stability or instability patterns and ...
Plant roots serve as the vital "mouths" through which they absorb water and nutrients, anchor themselves, and grow.