The LeBron James-led Lakers were created to win games, and after ending their 11-game losing streak to the Denver Nuggets, ...
Bryce Rainer, Seth Hernandez, Ethan Schiefelbein, Nate Castellon, Cade Townsend, Dylan Volantis and Derek Curiel are among ...
Howdy, I’m your host, Houston Mitchell. Let’s get right to the news. Yet Saturday, even if it was like the previous 11 ...
Stolen water is an indelible part of California lore. But the federal case against Dennis Falaschi, longtime head of the ...
In court, victims were shamed and treated as if they were on trial; their sexual histories and the way they dressed could be ...
Some nursing homes cry poverty while using complex financial arrangements to shield profits. How can California enforce new ...
Don't dismiss these horrifying acts as 'crazy,' because they're rarely so simple. There was a cultural context when my mother ...
The Biden administration is setting new rules on airline fees and refunds. Airlines still will be allowed to offer another ...
Having a mortgage in retirement used to be uncommon, but that’s no longer the case. They key is affordability.
Thomas Tortez Jr. leads a group across a gravelly wash in Painted Canyon, at the spot where his Cahuilla tribal ancestors ...
Every time I visit the grave of my mother, Maria de la Luz Arellano Miranda, I follow the same ritual. I park on a cul de sac ...