Price-conscious consumers are forcing the QSR giants down different paths around how to advertise value and invest in their marketing.
The wide rollout of immersive video ads is accompanied by measurement partnerships that underpin the platform’s growing advertising ambitions.
At the NewFronts, the tech giant emphasized that streaming can be the basis for a better ecosystem without the baggage of third-party cookies.
The Coca-Cola brand is calling back to the early aughts to encourage younger consumers to indulge in what they want amid the daily hustle.
AC&M Group, a leading full-service marketing agency specializing in connecting brands and consumers with cultural insights, today announced the acquisition of Argentina-based Axlot, a prominent ...
The loss of major accounts like Pfizer also affected performance during a period when rivals largely made gains and touted renewed optimism.
OMG, RPA and Wayfair are early partners for the company’s new Data-Driven Video offering, with IPG Mediabrands to begin testing in Q3.
The deal follows a similar partnership with Coca-Cola and arrives as the tech giant makes its Copilot AI companion available to all advertisers.
Dynamic IDs: These IDs include ID5 and Panorama, both of which represent probabilistic IDs that become increasingly stable as they’re supported by deterministic signals, such as hashed email, RampID ...
Bring The Magic” positions the delivery service as able to transform everyday moments and includes playful nods to pop-culture staples like “The Bear.” ...
Dynamic IDs: These IDs include ID5 and Panorama, both of which represent probabilistic IDs that become increasingly stable as they’re supported by deterministic signals, such as hashed email, RampID ...
A recent Samba TV study of a CPG brand’s campaign showed GSTV reached more young and light TV viewers than linear TV, which reached older, heavier watchers. GSTV served proportionally more impressions ...