Researchers demonstrated the model's excellent performance, raising hopes that it can someday prove a valuable tool for ...
An evolving legal landscape surrounding medication abortion has left physicians with as many questions as patients. A panel ...
Canada is unlikely to meet the World Health Organization's (WHO's) target of eliminating the hepatitis C virus ( HCV) by 2030 ...
Join Dr Leah Witt and nurse practitioner Chris Garvey as they discuss pulmonary rehab, an underutilized treatment for people ...
Some European countries are changing how they approach gender care in children and young adolescents experiencing gender ...
Planned cesarean delivery (CD) on maternal request (CDMR) is not associated with an increased risk for neonatal or infant ...
Pz-cel, which comprises autologous, COL7A1 gene–corrected epidermal sheets, was designed to enable normal type VII collagen expression and facilitate wound healing and pain reduction in RDEB wounds.
Radiotherapy decisions should be made using refined genomic guidance, as recommended by 2021 updated international guidelines ...