Like most nursery rhymes, rumors have long swirled about its allegedly dark origin story—one that’s said to involve Henry ...
Oft-reported as a trigger for settling down, “engagement chicken” is essentially just a roast chicken. But it is reportedly ...
Having an albatross around your neck means facing an inescapable burden. As for where the phrase originated, you can thank ...
Test your knowledge of Victorian slang with this quiz that’s bang up to the elephant.
It’s easy to confuse crows and ravens because both are solid black and as goth as the night is long—but a few characteristics give their identities away.
As anyone who has accidentally typed the phrase “ what the duck ” knows, autocorrect and spellcheck aren’t foolproof.
Idioms like Mandarin’s ‘take your pants off to fart’ make no sense to English speakers—at least, not to English speakers who ...
One especially prevalent trend, unsurprisingly, is names related to hunting—including Bryngehome, Fyndewell, Goodynowze, ...
By that point, however, it didn’t really matter: Roger meant “received” to soldiers whether it was in the official alphabet ...
Birdwatchers keep note of the birds they spot and train enthusiasts keep track of the various types of trains they see. But ...
It took Rushdie five years to write his second novel, which changed his life ... and got him sued.
Arctic foxes are omnivores, eating everything that their tundra habitat provides. In summer, the environment bustles with ...