KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine’s president and foreign minister on Friday pressed British Foreign Secretary David Cameron to accelerate the delivery of promised military aid to Kyiv, as Russia heaps ...
COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — A radical Norwegian Islamist who is suspected of complicity in the deadly shooting at an LGBTQ+ festival in Oslo two years ago has been expelled from Pakistan and is on his ...
Indiana’s presidential and state primaries will be held Tuesday. The last polls close at 7 p.m. ET, although most polls close at 6 p.m. ET. Indiana is in both the Eastern and the Central time zones.
LONDON (AP) — British cyclist Luke Rowe, who played a role in five Tour de France victories for three different leaders, will retire at the end of the season, his Ineos Grenadiers team said Friday.
LONDRES (AP) — El ex primer ministro Boris Johnson fue rechazado en un colegio electoral luego que olvidó llevar una identificación para votar en las elecciones locales del Reino Unido.