One World 365 is a directory for travelling, working, volunteering and studying abroad. Find inspiration for incredible things to do around the world - we specialise in helping students, youth and ...
Working abroad offers an exciting chance for a fresh new experience. If a job abroad appeals to you search positions from recommended recruiters on our directory. Whether you are looking to take a ...
You'll help educators and social workers in providing educational activities, school support and playing activities with the kidz of underprivileged areas of the city. You would volunteer in an after ...
One World 365 is a directory for travelling, working, volunteering and studying abroad. Find inspiration for incredible things to do around the world - we specialise in helping students, youth and ...
The Tlholego Ecovillage is situated on 150ha of land near Rustenburg in the Northwest Province of South Africa and was established in 1991 to address the challenge of rural sustainable development.