In response to recordings of echolocating bats, tiger beetles emit noises that mimic toxic moths that bats avoid.
By 2050, as many as an additional 246 million adults 69 and older could experience temperature extremes that exceed 37.5° Celsius.
Both kinds of influenza viruses may break into cattle cells using receptors similar to those in people, wild birds and poultry.
The iron-milk substance can break down alcohol fast and protect against liver damage in mice. Scientists hope to test the gel in people next.
Physicists haven’t yet ruled out the possibility that the universe has a complicated topology in which space loops back around on itself.
A volcanic eruption at Yellowstone is unlikely anytime soon, but evidence is growing that a violent hydrothermal, or steam, explosion is possible.
Identifying drugs to reduce the excessive expulsion of cells in the lung lining could reduce the damage of chronic asthma.
Mars Sample Return and missions to study other planets and celestial bodies, including lunar efforts, face big cuts and delays.
Decreased protection from cosmic radiation may have increased oxygen levels in the atmosphere and oceans, allowing animals to grow larger.
The new low-tech transportation method could help scientists in Africa assess if malaria-carrying mosquitoes are resistant to a common insecticide.
Researchers have created a visual encyclopedia of the different expressions that belugas ( Delphinapterus leucas) in captivity seem to make with their highly mobile “melon,” a squishy deposit of fat ...
When dice snakes fake their death to avoid predators, those that use a combination of blood, poop and musk spend less time pretending to be dead.