Biochemist Sharon Stack hopes to advance the field of ovarian cancer by exploring the tumor and host-related factors that influence its metastatic process.
Kamal is a freelance science journalist based in the UK with a PhD in virology from the University of Cambridge. View full profile. Learn about our editorial policies. Guan and his team compared 171 ...
Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) has a complicated relationship with humans. While this commensal bacterium colonizes ...
Scientists devised a synthetic protein-based motor fueled by biological reactions to cut through a peptide lawn.
A new prime editing sensor library targeting p53 mutations allowed scientists to interrogate thousands of tumor genotypes as they arose in endogenous contexts.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more integrated across industries, and biology research is no exception. However, most of these models perform specific tasks. For example, AlphaFold predicts ...
Moments after birth, a baby takes a first breath as the placenta, which has served as the fetus’ lungs during gestation, transfers responsibility to the baby's own organs. However, for patients born ...
Three-dimensional cell culture models including organoids enable researchers to recapitulate complex biological processes and tissue characteristics in a controllable in vitro setting. However, ...
Cancer cells reprogram metabolic pathways, such as glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, to acquire biochemical energy for processes including proliferation and metastasis. To advance their ...
Cell sorting allows scientists to isolate specific cells based on unique biomarkers, but traditional flow cytometers are poorly suited for GMP-compliant cell therapy production. The CGX10 Cell ...