Physical cues in the womb, and not just genetics, influence the normal development of neural crest cells, the embryonic stem ...
UCL European Institute convened experts from across UCL to exchange perspectives with FCDO officials on domestic politics across Central and Eastern Europe, attitudes to and influence in the European ...
The impact of job quality on wellbeing is of a similar magnitude to that of health, outshining more traditional factors, finds a report co-authored by Professor Francis Green and Dr Sangwoo Lee. The ...
Chinese children learning English and British children learning Chinese will be the "bedrock" of the relationship between the two countries, according to Katharine Carruthers (IOE, UCL’s Faculty of ...
Stable natural ecosystems underpin all economic activity. Ecosystems provide the natural resources needed for production; regulate climate change and global rainfall patters; and provide resilience ...
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22 May 2024, 12:00 pm–1:00 pm This webinar focuses on conducting cross-study comparisons across time, in the British birth cohorts and other datasets and provides insights into the benefits and ...
A likely explanation for a 'super-sympathetic' solar flare event - where simultaneous solar flares erupt from the sun at the same time - is that one flare triggers a disturbance that travels through ...
The first ever targeted treatment for brain tumours in children has been approved for NHS patients, following over 20 years of research by a UCL clinician scientist. Professor Darren Hargrave, who is ...
This week we meet Jennifer Symonds, Director of CLOSER at the IOE. Jennifer chats to us about working on longitudinal population studies, developing a measure of children's wellbeing and her time ...
"It’s very important that British travellers are aware of malaria cases. Even if someone previously lived in a malarial area and had built up some immunity, that immunity is lost after about a year," ...
Professor Vivian Hill (IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education & Society) says that from her visits to schools, it was clear that pupils as young as eight years old were worried about how their parents would ...