A DIETARY supplement transformed one woman’s thinning locks after years of ignoring an underlying iron deficiency. Alongside ...
The first step is teaching them to spend within their limits. Having a consistent income allows your teen to better understand their financial behaviours, and be more aware of their spending and ...
The local statistic was shared as the Allen County Child Fatality Team launched a fentanyl awareness campaign.
MTM Jr. focuses on the media consumption behaviours of Canadians aged 2 to 17. In its sixth year, MTM Jr. shares insights on ...
Capt. Shane Lee of the Fort Wayne Police Department said one of the dangers is how similar fentanyl-laced pills look to prescription tablets. Teens may be deceived into thinking that because the ...
Australian authorities have charged five juveniles in related terrorism activities and police continued to probe an April 15 ...
Representatives for SWG3, on Eastvale Place, are expected to appear at a Glasgow Licensing Board hearing on Friday.
Analysis - Most teenagers dread talking about sex with their parents. Their parents feel the same way. In some societies it's considered taboo to even broach the subject. And, even where sexuality ...
With kids and teens growing up in an era of technology, parents have to face more challenges than in the past. Smartphones and tablets have integrated into kids' and teens’ daily lives, and this has ...
The current awakening about the damage smartphones are bringing to this generation is encapsulated in Jonathan Haidt’s new ...
While four Ontario school boards recently announced a $4.5-billion lawsuit against the social media giants behind Facebook, ...
Most teenagers dread talking about sex with their parents. Their parents feel the same way . In some societies it's considered taboo to even broach ...