As the corruption trial of Senator Bob Menendez opened on Wednesday, his attorney sought to shift blame for his alleged bribe-taking to his wife. Nadine Menendez "kept him in the dark", said ...
Embattled New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez will blame his wife for accepting gold bars, cash payments and hiding them from him, his defense lawyer suggested during opening statements at his bribery ...
Nadine Menendez, a defendant in a sweeping corruption trial alongside her husband Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), has breast cancer and will be undergoing a mastectomy as treatment, her husband revealed ...
For the second time in his career as a United States senator, Bob Menendez will face trial over bribery and corruption charges on Monday. With jury selection expected to take a few days, New ...
Menendez has pleaded not guilty to 16 federal counts. Sen. Robert Menendez "put his power up for sale" and "betrayed the people he was supposed to serve," a prosecutor claimed Wednesday at the ...
US Senator Bob Menendez's defence has sought to shift blame for his alleged bribe-taking to his wife, in opening statements at his corruption trial. Nadine Menendez "kept him in the dark" on ...
US Senator Bob Menendez's defence has sought to shift blame for his alleged bribe-taking to his wife, in opening statements at his corruption trial. Nadine Menendez "kept him in the dark", the ...