The House Financial Services Committee held a hearing Wednesday on a report detailing a toxic workplace culture at the ...
Gruenberg’s announcement of his intent to resign comes hours after Sen. Sherrod Brown, a top Democrat who leads the Senate Banking Committee, called for “new leadership” at the FDIC.
Chair Martin Gruenberg said late Monday he will resign once the banking regulator finds a successor. In a statement, ...
Martin Gruenberg, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, attends a House financial services committee hearing in November. (Ricky Carioti/The Washington Post) Martin Gruenberg ...
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp Chair Martin Gruenberg announced his resignation on Monday, finally succumbing to a months-long scandal over sexual harassment and other misconduct at the top bank ...
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) Chair Martin Gruenberg announced Monday he will resign once his successor is confirmed by the Senate after several reports documented a culture of sexual ...
Republicans accused Democrats of playing politics for not demanding a faster removal of outgoing agency chief Martin Gruenberg, who did not attend Wednesday.
In light of the report, FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg announced he will resign. The House Financial Services Committee holds a hearing on a report detailing a toxic workplace culture at the ...