Consuming higher-potency cannabis between the ages of 16 and 18 doubles the likelihood of psychotic experiences between the ages of 19 and 24, compared with lower-potency cannabis – according to a new ...
Over the past several decades, marijuana legalization has accelerated across the United States. Cannabis is now legal for ...
As marijuana use becomes legal and more accepted across America, more seniors are developing unhealthy relationships with the ...
I've been interviewed numerous times about the colossal mess we call the "opioid crisis," so when Dr.
One in six patients serviced by a major California healthcare system said they used marijuana regularly, with many citing health reasons for doing so, a new study finds.
In a recent study published in BJPsych Open, researchers investigated whether loneliness during adolescence can predict mental health problems in adulthood. Their findings suggest that lonely ...
Heavy cannabis use is associated with a significantly increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality among women, according to a study published online June 6 in JAMA Network Open.
Cannabis each day keeps prostate cancer away: Prostate cancer (PC) prevalence was lower in both current and former cannabis users compared to non-users in a recent study. Alternative medicines are ...
Similar to how clinicians routinely ask patients about their alcohol intake, UCLA researchers said health systems should also assess patients' cannabis use. Few health systems currently screen for ...
In a recent study published in JAMA Network Open, researchers explored whether cannabis use is linked to mortality from all causes, cancer and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Their findings indicate ...
Melatonin use linked to reduced risk for developing AMD and for progression from nonexudative to exudative AMD. HealthDay News — Melatonin use is associated with a reduced risk for development ...