the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step model has been used as the basis of 30 other fellowships, including Gamblers Anonymous and ...
My journey of recovery is a testament to the transformative power of the 12-step fellowships ... Having been a member of Alcoholics Anonymous for more than half of my adult life, I've experienced ...
Verywell Mind on MSN20y
What to Expect at NA Meetings
NA is a support group that focuses on helping people recovering from drug addictions. An NA meeting involves meeting with ...
Dossett’s ethnographic research probes what works best for people who are grappling with dependency upon drugs or alcohol.
Each entry supports The Divided Sky Foundation, which is committed to bestowing a unique residential recovery program for ...
There are effective ways to treat this disease and steps you can take to help a loved one ... and stigma and support you when you’re struggling. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or other 12-step programs can ...
Al-Anon Family Group, fellowship for relatives and friends of alcoholics, Holy Cross Catholic Church, 1210 E. Wood St. — 6:30 p.m. Mondays.
The Florida Marchman Act is a valuable tool for families and loved ones who are concerned about someone struggling with substance abuse.
HealingUS Communities (1-833-399-4673) has updated its support programs for individuals recovering from alcohol addiction and ...
Pathways Recovery Centers The Rob's Ranch Addiction Treatment Program focuses on the time-tested, proven model of the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Our ...
The Rob's Ranch Addiction Treatment Program focuses on the time-tested, proven model of the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Our treatment program provides our men the best care available in the ...
Alcohol: The local fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous has a complete ... sponsored by S.I.A., which is Survivors of Incest Anonymous, a 12-step self-help national organization based in Baltimore.