To send a question, email Gill at The persimmons are falling off my persimmon tree. Now some of the leaves are falling off. I applied Southern Gro Fertilizer 13-6-6 on March 1.
I am covering how to get the persimmon flesh from the fruit of the American Persimmon tree. There are some differences between Asian versus American Persimmons so make sure you know which one you have ...
The prominence of the Roosevelt family in American history is legendary. The family's legacy claims two of America's best-loved presidents as well as one of the most influential first ladies.
Why does Southern California have so many residential fruit trees? Credit the weather, developers, even the Gold Rush. Plus: ...
In this edition of ID That Tree, Purdue extension forester Lenny Farlee helps you identify American elderberry, a native shrub found in wetland areas and other areas with good-quality moist soils.
The first book of African American folklore written by an African ... Ole Massa is gointer hang me under that persimmon tree. Now you get three matches and get in the top of the tree.
Where fruit trees are concerned, both the loquat and the persimmon will grow 20-25 feet tall with equal spread. A final tree that provides ... It is also the only North American native plant ...
Planting a tree is a relatively simple step that a gardener can take to help cool their neighborhood, mitigate against air ...
For us, getting to work with all these communities — it felt like, ‘Oh, this is what we should have been doing all along,'" ...
The American tree sparrow often occurs in flocks of up to 50 birds. In habitat and behavior, they are much like field sparrows, but American tree sparrows are more frequent at bird feeders.