Experts explain how our skin, immune system and mental health can all improve if we improve the balance of bacteria in our ...
You’re walking past the beverage fridge at the store and among the regular sodas, seltzers and juices are drinks that claim ...
Strains Most prebiotics and probiotics on the market contain a variety of bacterial strains. When choosing a supplement, it’s ...
For probiotics to work best, you need to eat prebiotic foods, too. This can lead to improved digestive function and overall health. The food you eat plays an important role in the balance of good ...
Some claim it's healthier than conventional bread. We checked out the research.True sourdough bread is made without ...
If you’re looking for a probiotic that can ... digestive health and reducing symptoms like bloating and gas. Are probiotics good for improving gut health and reducing bloating in men?
Our bodies are home to trillions of microbes, the motherload of which are found in our guts. These microbes—collectively ...
Cucumber is another water-rich vegetable that can help keep you hydrated. It also contains vitamins and minerals that support ...
Jaeckel summed it up by saying both yogurts tend to be amazing sources of calcium, probiotics, vitamin D and other major necessary vitamins — but for most people, with personal preferences aside, ...
"The reason people are really into kefir yoghurt is because of its probiotics, which are helpful for promoting a healthy gut ...
Summer is the season of sun, fun, and...curd? Yes, curd! It's a staple in many households, especially during the sweltering ...
Diarrhea can be from sooo many things, but no matter the cause, it's annoying—and painful. Here are the best home remedies ...