Creating a garden that attracts bees and other pollinators is not only beneficial for your plants but also essential for the ...
These include bee balm, aster, and dogwood, which may commonly come to mind for those who want to attract bees to their yard. Yet, there are many more that are less widely known. The Mexican hat plant ...
I’m a vegetable gardener at heart, but I also love growing flowers. In the past, I’ve kept those areas within my garden ...
The Highland Garden Club of Evanston will hold its annual Backyard Botanicals plant sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on June 1 at ...
Gardening is a labor of love — and requires a love of labor. The rewards are the colors and smells and bees ang butterflies, ...
Some of the best bee-friendly plants for our area include lantanas, bee balms (monardas), larkspur, salvias of all kinds, ...
Longtime master gardener John Nash, with more than 65 years of digging in the dirt, is a bit concerned that gardeners will ...
The roses seem to relish the cooler, wetter spring, but the bees…not so much. Most bees and other insect pollinators need ...
One area behind the clubhouse used to have Japanese barberry bushes, a plant with deep red leaves ... Here are coneflowers ...
A few plants you primarily use the leaves for tea and are good pollinator plants include anise hyssop, bee balm or wild ...
Bright colors, particularly red are a proven way to bring hummingbirds onto your apartment balcony. As well as bright flowers ...
Getting your Trinity Audio player ready... As anyone who enjoys the outdoors in SETX, especially during the warmer months, ...