Benefits of companion planting include pollination, pest control, physical support or trellising and even weed control.
An assortment of bad bugs is lurking in soybean fields. Here’s how to identify them, and how to assess the damage they make.
The substance acts like a sprayable fly paper, snaring small pests but leaving larger beneficial insects such as bees ...
While there is a small percentage of moths that are considered invasive or harmful, many more are beneficial in the garden.
This simple kitchen staple is proving to be a powerful ally in the fight against plant-eating insects, offering a natural and ...
Mint has many great qualities, but it's also an aggressive herb that can overpower your garden. Here's what you should, and ...
This guide will help you select the best companion plants for zucchini to deter pests, attract beneficial insects, improve ...
Below you'll find a few of the most popular plants to deter bugs from your home and kitchen. For more, see how to keep plants alive for longer and peruse our list of the best places to buy ...
“They,” those people who name plants and bugs, have taken away the productive vine’s very identity. What, after all, is a “dude?” How do all of the “dudes” of the world feel about ...
Striped cucumber beetles, spotted cucumber beetles, and squash bugs are common watermelon pests which also attack other ...
Ladybugs are said to bring luck but not if you have a lady beetle colony in your home. Find out how to get rid of ladybugs ...
You're not the only one going on vacation this summer. Bed bugs can turn up anywhere, including the nicest looking hotels and vacation rentals. These tiny nocturnal bloodsuckers hide in cracks and ...