Niacin (a form of vitamin B3) and chromium are two nutrients that seem to have the ability to reduce cholesterol levels. Large doses (3g/day) of niacin have been shown to substantially reduce ...
"Menthol can help suppress appetite and reduce cravings, particularly for sweet or high-calorie foods," says Ward. "Mint tea ...
Know your fats The single most important thing any woman can do to reduce the amount of unhealthy cholesterol in her body is to switch to using healthy fats in her diet. That's because the ...
Hence, it becomes important to take proactive measures to reduce your high cholesterol levels. We spoke to our expert Dr Bimal Chhajer, Former Consultant, AIIMS and Director, SAAOL Heart Centre ...
They'll help reduce your LDL cholesterol and prevent heart disease. Eating berries which are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and fiber is also a great step towards lowering LDL cholesterol levels ...
There are several proven ways to lower cholesterol naturally. “I frequently tell patients I treat that diet is key to help reduce cholesterol levels. A focus on a plant-based diet, reducing ...
Taking steps to reduce them, including lowering cholesterol, may also help reduce other risk factors you have. Together, you and your doctor will develop a strategy to reduce your risks.
It tells you how many calories you need each day to maintain your weight, and you should reduce that figure by 500 calories to start reducing your weight and belly fat quite quickly. * If you are ...
Viktoriya Skorikova/Getty Images Reviewed by Dietitian Maria Laura Haddad-GarciaReviewed by Dietitian Maria Laura Haddad-Garcia When you have high cholesterol, you’re likely turning to your diet ...
People of South Asian origin are more susceptible to high cholesterol and heart disease than people from other ethnic backgrounds, so should keep a closer eye on their levels. Plant stanols and ...
This beverage is made with black tea leaves as the base and then infused with bergamot oil for the flavourful and citrusy notes. Not only is this tea delicious but has a lot of health benefits too. It ...
But because it comes with a hefty price tag, it's important to find ways to reduce those costs if you can. Find out how long-term care insurance could help you cover assisted living costs now.