Daniel Simojoki, a 20 year old history student at the University of Cambridge, has an English mother and a Finnish ...
We could not believe what was in front of us,” said Tatiana Tondini, a researcher at the University of Tübingen in Germany.
Cambridge's Mill Road is best known for its variety of shops and restaurants – as well as controversial bus gate plans. But the road, which started out as a farm track, has only had its name for ...
"When we first observed the cutmarks under the microscope, we could not believe what was in front of us," the researchers ...
Julius Robert Oppenheimer was born on April 22, 1904. The Oppenheimer family was part of the progressive Ethical Culture ...
Tiny cut marks found on lesions inside the skull suggest that physicians working thousands of years ago may have operated on ...
Students and staff at Oxford and Cambridge universities have begun protest camps against the war in Gaza. So-called "liberated zones" were set up at Oxford's Museum of Natural History and King's ...
Alleged recent Russian hybrid operations include the "weaponization" of migrants flows across NATO borders, the use of ...
This interruption is an example of GPS spoofing, a technology that has started to be used more commonly in modern warfare. GPS spoofing occurs when the GPS signal is intercepted by a third party ...
As China and Russia sharpen their antisatellite weapons to challenge U.S. superiority in space, the Pentagon is preparing for orbital warfare. WSJ’s Shelby Holliday sat down with Space Force ...
Gray Zone Warfare is a Steam Early Access title that offers an expansive and technologically impressive take on the military simulation shooter genre. About a week before Gray Zone Warfare's Steam ...
The female skull, meanwhile, showed bone destruction from a cancerous tumor and two healed lesions from injuries. The ...