Welcome to the Men’s Health Dumbbell Club, your weekly plan for a fitter, stronger body, using just two dumbbells. Your ...
Before we get into it, it’s worth mentioning that 50 reps a day long-term wouldn’t be the best way to build upper body ...
Look, the only thing you actually need to know about MTG is that she is a right-wing political extremist and professional ...
MUCH LIKE any menswear staple, finding the right pair of workout shoes depends on the occasion. Sure, you can get by wearing ...
It is always a good idea to know workout variations so that your muscles are always challenged. Here, we look at five great ...
CrossFit has its emphasis on varied workouts that constantly challenge participants in different ways. This approach aims to improve overall fitness by developing strength, endurance, agility ...
With a plethora of workout options available today, picking one that suits you needs to suit your budget but also be ...
From trampolines to rebound boots, playful approaches to fitness abound. But some doubt their health benefits, so we asked ...
A bit like mobility exercises or stretching workouts, somatic isn't a hardcore sweat-fest of a session, rather a more gentle practice that aims to stretch your body, regulate your nervous system and ...
The second heat of the Murph Challenge, one of CrossFit's Hero workouts, took place this Saturday at the Big Dane Collective.
Participants nationwide honored fallen soldiers with the Murph Challenge on Memorial Day, performing intense workouts as a ...