“There are various health conditions, foods and even medication that can change the colour of your urine, and sometimes ...
A recent JAMA Network Open study of men who were diagnosed with prostate cancer found that people who had the highest intake ...
New research shows that men who eat more plant-based foods after a prostate cancer diagnosis may have a lower risk of cancer ...
A Mediterranean diet of vegetables and fruits, olive oil, fish, and small amounts of red meat is beneficial for patients with ...
Men with prostate cancer could significantly lower the risk of the disease worsening by eating more fruits, vegetables, nuts ...
Learn how to naturally support your body's detox systems with nutritious foods and why trendy detox diets aren't the answer.
Answered by Dr. Howard E. Lewine M.D. Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing · 40 years of experience · USA ...
Ultra processed vegan meat has a bad reputation, but does it really deserve it? This topic was covered in a recent BBC debate ...
Could you please tell me more information about Lynch syndrome? Does this mean that I will definitely end up getting cancer?
Perspective from Julia RochaBachelor in Nutrition · 3 years of experience · BrazilBenefits Pumpkin seed are rich in fiber, so ...
The new review found both vegetarians and vegans have better metabolic health and are less likely to develop certain types of ...
Eating foods high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents as ... Cruciferous vegetables are associated with reduced risk ...