While all flora and fauna smell fresh and fragrant, there are significant fragrant plants that experts recommend to make a ...
While many lilies are known for their strong fragrance, stargazer lily is a favorite of gardeners for its potent but pleasant scent. If you're in the vicinity of these joyful, upward-facing lilies ...
“The return to classic plants is part of the larger trend we’re calling the ‘Garden of Nostalgia and Romance ... peonies are ...
Southern Living on MSN5d
The 10 Best Plants For A Rain Garden
This guide provides expert insight and a list of recommended plant options for rain gardens. Plus, tips for how to create a ...
Volunteer judges rate entries based on their improved performance, disease resistance and other unique qualities.
Passalong plants are especially precious, creating tangible connections and memories to friends and loved ones from our past.
Lavandin is sometimes known as hedge lavender because of its height and rangy growth. It is a large and extremely fragrant ...
Some of the best bee-friendly plants for our area include lantanas, bee balms (monardas), larkspur, salvias of all kinds, ...
Cucamelons can grow in pots or garden beds that receive ... Companion planting with fragrant herbs and flowers can reduce pest issues naturally, while powdery mildew can be prevented by watering ...
It is less fragrant but more drought tolerant than ... historian who enjoys researching and writing about garden history and plants. Get free home gardening advice on the UCCE Master Gardeners ...