Secure Your X Mobile Government Tablet Today - Apply Now! - Tabletmonkeys - The World's Largest Computer Tablet ...
Smartphones are becoming cheaper and easier to ... Vodacom coughed up over R5 billion for a piece of ICASA’s spectrum, what ...
Apparently, the three were offering people a free VPN service, which came with a piece of malware that added their devices to ...
Haidt also recommends no smartphone use before age 13 and no social media before age 16. That’s good advice, not only for ...
The country’s leading mobile phone operators have backed a Department of Education initiative to “keep childhood smartphone ...
India’s welfare programs improve lives. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s party uses its vast machinery to ensure the handouts ...
SIX of the leading mobile phone operators in Ireland have confirmed their support for a government scheme designed to stop primary school children having smartphones. Vodafone, Three, eir, Tesco ...
A group of head teachers in one city in England are asking parents not to let their children have a smartphone until they are ...
IRISH phone companies have signed up to the Government’s push to stop kids having smartphones. Education Minister Norma Foley ...
Green Mountain Transit has resumed collecting fares for busses in Chittenden County four years after fares were paused to ...
Over 100,000 free meals will be served to children in Oakland this summer, according to city officials. The city’s Summer Food Service Program began on Tuesday, with more than 45 youth-serving sites, ...
Nigeria’s government is cracking down on illegal mining, making dozens of arrests of unlicensed miners since April for ...